Restore Your Smile And Your Health With Dental Implants In 23226
January 6, 2017
You love being a grandma – now that you’re retired, there’s nothing you cherish more than spending time with your grandchildren at Maymont. You explore the gardens together and enjoy soaking up the sun – you want to take a picture together to capture a memory, but your smile leaves you lacking confidence and not wanting to be a part of the photograph. You’ve been considering dental implants in 23226 to correct the two missing teeth you have, but aren’t sure what dental practice can give you expert treatment and make sure you’re comfortable while you upgrade your grin. Luckily for you, the team at Westhampton Dental is your choice for an exceptional dental experience while providing quality, permanent implants.
Why You Should Get Dental Bridges in Westhampton
November 10, 2016
You’re casually walking around the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, soaking in all of the masterworks. Some of them are over a 100 years old, but the paint and marble looks like they just had hands on them yesterday. You look deeply into a portrait of some royal woman smiling, and your eyes are immediately drawn to her teeth. The artist was either very kind or she must have been born with a perfect smile. You wish your smile would look that good if someone painted it, but you have large gaps because of missing teeth. You decide right there that you want to get them fixed, but what is the next step? Dr. William W. Way wants to tell you why getting dental bridges in Westhampton is clearly your best option. (more…)
Consistency is The Key to Good Oral Hygiene in Richmond
October 20, 2016
There’s never been a more important time to focus on taking care of your oral health. With periodontal disease being linked with other health concerns in the body, we now understand that in order to achieve optimum health and well being, you have to maintain your oral health. As with most things, at Westhampton Dentistry we’ve found that consistency is the key to good oral hygiene in Richmond, and Dr. William Way is here to discuss what you can do to maintain your oral health and in turn your overall health.
Get Your Oral Cancer Screening in Richmond
September 11, 2016
What’s the big deal about oral cancer? Dentist in Richmond, Dr. William W. Way, routinely screens for this deadly disease because it affects thousands of American adults each year. Patients must understand symptoms and risks and get early treatment if cancer is diagnosed.
Getting a Dental Implant in Richmond: What You Need to Know
August 12, 2016
Living with a missing tooth greatly affects the quality of your daily life. You may struggle to eat the foods you would normally enjoy, or feel self-conscious about talking and smiling in front of others. A missing tooth also has a negative impact on your oral health. Without a replacement, your remaining teeth may shift and your jawbone will resorb, or deteriorate. A dental implant may be the solution you’re looking for, and here’s everything you need to know about getting a dental implant in Richmond.
Improve your smile with Richmond porcelain veneers
May 30, 2016
In 2 visits to Westhampton Dentistry, your imperfect smile can improve dramatically. Cover discolorations, uneven surfaces and hairline cracks with Richmond porcelain veneers. Crafted from fine, dental porcelain, these thin ceramic shells change the configuration and size of teeth and also improve their color, strength and alignment. (more…)
Clear advantages of Richmond Invisalign over braces
April 27, 2016
As an adult, your smile is important to how you look and feel about yourself, too. You want the confidence to smile, laugh and speak in public, but longstanding orthodontic problems make you cover your mouth. Metal braces seem ugly, and treatment, time-consuming. However, you do have a great alternative in Richmond clear braces from Invisalign. (more…)
Do I Need to Visit the Dentist Richmond Families Prefer Twice a Year?
November 16, 2015
More than a century ago during the First World War, a group of dental researchers and practitioners was tasked by the US government with determining a way to help people achieve and maintain better oral health. What did they come up with? Twice a year preventive dental visits. This is not a plan that took off overnight. Before these dentists made the biennial dental checkup recommendation, patients typically only sought dental care to correct problems that already existed. This change of emphasis on restoring health to maintaining oral health required some convincing on the part of dental practitioners. In the 1920s Pepsodent got behind the idea, and promoted the twice a year visits as part of their ad campaigns. Eventually, more dentists and patients across the US were buying into the benefits of preventive dentistry. Today, most dental insurance providers cover twice a year checkups and cleanings 100%, almost any dental practitioner will recommend checkups and cleanings every six months, and more patients than ever are keeping their natural teeth for a lifetime. It’s clear, preventive dentistry is changing US smiles.
Best Tooth Replacement: Dental Implants in Westhampton
October 28, 2015
If you’ve got missing teeth, there’s one thing I don’t have to tell you: you’ve got to get them replaced. Gaps in a smile cause real problems, like difficulty eating, speaking and sometimes even making you reluctant to smile in public. Don’t let your missing teeth rob you of life’s smallest pleasures — learn about your replacement options with dental implants in Westhampton today.
Fun Smile Facts from the Dentist Richmond Residents Prefer
September 22, 2015
There’s a strange human phenomenon called inattentional blindness. If you’ve ever said that something “blended into the background,” or became “part of the landscape,” you’re likely experiencing this phenomenon. When people see something repeatedly they take for granted that it is the same from day to day or minute to minute, and don’t observe changes. For instance, if you drive your car every day, you may not notice one hubcap is missing for several days. This happens all the time because our brains ignore repeated images in order to retain space for new information. The phenomenon has been applied to other areas such as memory, education, and politics, but one major area where people often experience inattentional blindness is oral health. Most patients don’t know why they visit our office two times each year, how many teeth they have, or even why fluoride is beneficial for dental care. These things have faded into the background. Westhampton Dentistry invites you to take a closer look at some of the interesting and illuminating stories behind your beautiful smile. Call to find out more about any of our dental services, or to schedule an appointment with the dentist Richmond residents love.